Alleluia Christian Education
Classes meet
Wednesdays 5:15 pm
during school year
ACE Classes
4K - 6th Grade
7th & 8th Grade
Join Dr. Joyce Bauer the second Tuesday of every month at 630 pm at Alleluia Lutheran Church 6725 Elmro Rd for continuing group discussions and brief presentations to use lifestyle principles to prevent chronic disease, help you feel better every day and improve your energy.
Topics include preventing and improving Diabetes with eating and exercise habit changes.
Future topics if interested will include improving your heart health and brain health and the significant proven connections between these.
My goal is to help you feel better, live longer, and learn how to reach the health goals that you have for yourself.
This is open to anyone including high school students, neighbors, friends. You don't have to be a member at Alleluia. Several community members have joined us in recent months.
The meetings are free.
We meet year round every 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Daily Bible Study
Mobile App
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod mobile app locates LCMS churches in your area, delivers worldwide Lutheran news, connects you with other Lutherans and gives you God’s Word in a daily devotion.
Bible Gateway
Daily Reading
Reading through the Bible is a rewarding experience, and these plans can help you do it!
For the best experience, create an account or log in and
subscribe to the reading plan of your choice. Then you can track your progress, receive daily reading reminder emails, and print monthly lists of readings for offline use. You can start, pause, or end a reading plan at any time – at your own pace.
So, choose a reading plan and get ready for the incredible journey of reading through the Bible, one day at a time!